Pablo Echaurren is an Italian painter, cartoonist, and writer. He was born in Rome in 1951 to the Sicilian actress Angela Faranda and the Chilean surrealist painter Roberto Sebastian Matta.
Pablo Echaurren starts painting at the age of 18 when, through Gianfranco Baruchello, he comes into contact with the Milanese critic and gallery owner Arturo Schwarz, who begins to promote his work in Italy and abroad. Between 1971 and 1975, he holds exhibitions in Berlin, Basel, Zurich, Brussels, Philadelphia, New York, and in 1975 he is invited to exhibit at the Paris Biennale.
His artistic production is characterized by the continuous experimentation with new forms and languages of expression and by the blending of genres, constantly oscillating between high and low, between culture and frivolity, with the sole aim always being the rejection of pictorial conventions and the pursuit of his own ideal of art open to everyone.
Pablo Echaurren has created posters, illustrations, book covers, including the cover of the best-seller Porci con le ali.
In the eighties and nineties, he created numerous avant-garde comics such as Caffeina d'Europa, Majakovskij, Nivola vola, Futurismo contro, Vita disegnata di Dino Campana, Evola in Dada, Vita di Pound, Dada con le zecche.
He is also the author of numerous essays, polemical pamphlets on the art world, and novels.
In 2004, at the Chiostro del Bramante in Rome, a retrospective of his works was held, while in 2006, at the Auditorium Parco della Musica, he held a solo exhibition of his most recent works, replicating it in 2008 in Siena at the Magazzini del Sale. In 2009, the MIAAO, International Museum of Applied Arts Today, in Turin celebrated the centenary of futurism with an exhibition focused on his work.
In 2010, the artist, together with his wife Claudia Salaris, founded the Fondazione Echaurren Salaris. In 2013, the exhibition Matta: Roberto Sebastian Matta, Gordon Matta-Clark, Pablo Echaurren aimed to explore the connections between a father and his two artist sons.
In 2015, with the exhibition Contropittura, the Galleria nazionale d'arte moderna e contemporanea in Rome delves into the socio-political aspects of Pablo Echaurren's work. In 2016, Chile pays tribute to him for the first time with a retrospective at the Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes in Santiago, curated by Inès Ortega-Màrquez and titled Make Art Not Money.
His works are currently in the permanent collection of several museums including the National Gallery, the Maxxi and the Macro in Rome, the Mic in Faenza, the Mart in Rovereto, and the Museo del Novecento in Milan.

Pablo Echaurren
Pablo Echaurren Painter