Grazia Varisco, born in Milan on October 5, 1937, is a prominent Italian artist in the field of kinetic and programmed art. Her artistic training began at the Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera, where she studied from 1956 to 1960 under the guidance of Achille Funi. During this period, she immersed herself in the research of programmed art, a movement defined by Bruno Munari.
His artistic journey takes a decisive turn at the beginning of the 1960s, when together with Giovanni Anceschi, Davide Boriani, Gianni Colombo, and Gabriele Devecchi, he founded the Gruppo T in Milan. This group becomes a point of reference in the field of kinetic and programmed artistic research. Their manifesto symbolizes a vision of reality in constant evolution, a principle that characterizes the entire artistic journey of Grazia Varisco.
Grazia Varisco and the Gruppo T stand out for their "Miriorama" exhibitions and actively participate in the Arte Programmata exhibitions, organized by Bruno Munari. The introduction of these exhibitions is curated by figures such as Umberto Eco. From 1963, Grazia Varisco begins to exhibit both in Italy and abroad, participating in important showcases of the international Nouvelle Tendance movement.
After the conclusion of the experience with Gruppo T, she continues her artistic research independently. Meanwhile, from 1961 to 1967, she collaborates with the Development Office of la Rinascente in Milan as a graphic designer and consultant for various entities, including the magazine "Abitare", Kartell, and the Milanese International plan.
A significant moment in his career occurs at the end of the 1960s when he spends a year in the United States, in Ohio. Here, his encounter with artists and faculty from the Departments of Fine Arts greatly enriches his education and contributes to the international success of his works.
The works of Grazia Varisco are known for their balance and visual harmony, characterized by geometric lines and a rigorous precision in execution. Her art is distinguished by interactivity and the invitation for the viewer to actively participate. Many of her works include moving parts or elements that change based on the observation and movement of the viewer, creating a dialogue between the work, environment, and observer.
Grazia Varisco has participated in numerous significant artistic events such as the Venice Biennale, the Rome Quadriennale, the Trigon in Graz, the "Italian Art 60/82" exhibition at the Hayward Gallery in London, and many other international exhibitions. In 2007, she was awarded the prize of the National Academy of San Luca and in 2018 she received the Antonio Feltrinelli Prize.
His works are exhibited in prestigious museums and collections around the world, including the Farnesina Collection, the National Gallery of Modern Art in Rome, the MAMbo in Bologna, the Museum of Modern Art in New York, and the Centre Georges Pompidou in Paris.

Grazia Varisco
Grazia Varisco Artist