Ruggero Savinio biography

Ruggero Savinio pittore

Ruggero Savinio, a multifaceted artist with eclectic talent, is an Italian painter and writer, born in Turin in 1934. His family history is permeated with art and culture, being the son of the renowned Alberto Savinio (pseudonym of Andrea Francesco Alberto de Chirico) and the actress Maria Morino, as well as nephew of the famous painter Giorgio de Chirico. From a young age, Ruggero Savinio breathed the cultural air of his family, growing up in a creative environment that profoundly marked his artistic path. After spending his childhood and early youth in Rome, where he had the opportunity to get to know the world of art up close thanks to his father and uncle, Ruggero Savinio studied Literature at La Sapienza University, an experience that certainly contributes to shape his critical thinking and creative spirit. His artistic training, however, is not limited to Italy, as Savinio Ruggero lives and works in several European cities, including Paris, Milan, Switzerland and Tuscany. These movements allow him to come into contact with a variety of cultural influences which further enrich his artistic and intellectual baggage.
Ruggero Savinio's career soon established itself internationally, thanks to his works exhibited in important galleries and museums in Italy and abroad. His talent earned him the prestigious Peggy Guggenheim Award in 1986, a recognition that underlines his ability to represent complex emotions and concepts through painting.
Over the years, he explored different artistic currents, while maintaining a well-defined personal position. His vision of art is timeless, considering painting as a contemporary form of expression that embraces the entire human artistic history. This approach allows the artist to draw inspiration from ancient and modern masters, from Greco-Roman art to Titian and Venetian painters, to Rembrandt and beyond, reflecting his belief that painting is a timeless continuum of creative expression.
The link with family tradition and the influence of his uncle Giorgio de Chirico are crucial in his artistic training. However, Ruggero Savinio was able to detach himself from family personalities to follow his own path, finding a unique and evocative pictorial language.
One of the central aspects of Savinio's artistic production is the masterful use of color and texture, capable of creating enigmatic and suggestive atmospheres. His works range from the romantic chromatic explosion of the cycle "The Golden Age" to the depiction of archaeological landscapes in the cycle "Ruins". Among the themes he is particularly fond of are the "Conversations", in which he places figures in an enigmatic space, recalling the sacred Renaissance conversations.
In parallel to his artistic career, Ruggero Savinio is also a talented writer, with numerous publications ranging from short stories to poetry. His literary vein mixes harmoniously with his artistic world, creating an intense dialogue between words and colors.
Over the course of his career, the artist holds numerous exhibitions in Italy and abroad, receiving important recognitions and invitations. His art is exhibited in prestigious places such as the National Gallery of Modern Art in Rome and the International Art Biennale in Venice, strengthening his position in the contemporary art panorama.
At almost eighty years old, Ruggero Savinio continues to engage with painting with ever greater freedom, testifying to his dedication and passion for art. The lack of meaning, which he recognizes as a characteristic of painting, becomes for him an opportunity to explore the continuous comparison with tradition and the eternal present of art. Ruggero Savinio is an artist who has been able to extricate himself between the shadows of the past and the contemporary present, creating a unique bridge between historical artistic influences and his personal creative vision. His evocative and intimate art continues to inspire and fascinate the public, testifying to the indisputable talent of a great master of Italian art.