
Lorenzo Tornabuoni



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Lorenzo Tornabuoni Painter

Lorenzo Tornabuoni pittore

Lorenzo Tornabuoni is an Italian artist born in Rome on 17 July 1934. Son of a family with a rich history and noble origins, his childhood was marked by adventures and moves between Italy and East Africa, where he spent part of his early years. These travels help shape his artistic sensitivity, exposing him to different cultures and visual stimuli.
His passion for art began to make its way into his life at the age of 12, when he began receiving drawing lessons from Andrea Spadini, son of the famous painter Armando Spadini. Despite his classical studies at the Tasso high school in Rome, he always felt attracted to art and creativity, so much so that he began exhibiting his paintings as early as 1954, at the Galleria L'Obelisco.Lorenzo Tornabuoni did not limit himself only to his artistic career, but embraced a life rich in experiences and knowledge. Although he undertakes university studies in the Faculty of Letters in Rome, he leaves his studies incomplete. His interest in reading, in particular for authors such as Proust and Freud, enriches his cultural background and influences his artistic vision. Among the works that profoundly marked his artistic training, "The Raft of the Medusa" by Théodore Géricault stands out, a work that influenced his interest in narrative painting.
The artist's evolution is characterized by a variety of influences and themes. He participates in numerous art exhibitions, gaining recognition throughout Italy and also abroad. Works such as figures in the act of love, rowers and athletes become his distinctive trait, expressing love for the human body and its interaction with the surrounding environment. The choice to often work on free canvas, hung on the wall or on chipboard, gives his works a sense of freedom and dynamism. Lorenzo Tornabuoni's artistic journey is not without challenges. In 1963, he was involved in a serious car accident that left permanent consequences on his body, limiting the functionality of his left side. Despite these difficulties, the artist demonstrates extraordinary strength of mind and continues to work. His skill in drawing is particularly appreciated. The quick sketches and drawings he created, especially in the 1970s and 1990s, show his ability to capture the essence of a moment or movement with a few quick brushstrokes. His dedication to drawing is praised by critics and colleagues, demonstrating how his artistic talent can be expressed through different forms and techniques.
Lorenzo Tornabuoni's passion for art and his tireless dedication inspire many, including art critics art and collectors. His works, both pictorial and graphic, touch the hearts of many people and are admired for their beauty and depth. His ability to represent the human body, especially in the act of love, demonstrated his understanding of human emotions and their visual expression. The figure of Lorenzo Tornabuoni becomes an essential part of the Italian artistic panorama of the second post-war. His dedication to his art, despite adversity, inspired both his contemporaries and future generations of artists. His works continue to be exhibited and admired, bearing witness to the legacy of a man who made art a testament to life itself.

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